
1. Watch the film and answer the questions:

a. Which four elements are liquid at room temperature?

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b. How can you obtain bromine ?

c. Why do we add bromine to plastics ?

d. Why are bromine isotopes unusual ?

e. Why is bromine less dangerous than chlorine ?

2. Fill the gaps in the sentences below:

a. Bromine comes from the Greek word 'bromos' which means _ _ _ _ _ _, a really horrible smell.

b. So it's a nice _ _ _ _ _ _. We're going to get it out of this bottle now. It's _ _ _ _ _ _ in because it's obviously very, very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as a liquid and we're going to cut the glass, get it out and look at its chemistry.

c. So you can make bromine just by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ chlorine into a solution of bromide like Dead Sea water and the chlorine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the bromine and forms chloride and the bromine just comes out as red _ _ _ _ _ which you can catch.

d. You see all those really nice orange fumes which are coming off from the liquid and then they're being _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by our _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

e. So the reaction is strongly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ which means it gives out energy and that energy then evaporates off excess bromine which you can see coming off as a _ _ _ _ _ _ .

See also