FILM                             PRINT
1. Watch the film and complete the sentences:

a. We are going to talk about a compound .......................... that's called 'fool's gold'.

b. (...) and you can see, I've got a .......................... here.

c. In the right light the crystals really do .......................... and look rather like gold.

d. In those days, of course people travelled by train, so you could bring back a whole box of stones, without .......................... your baggage allowance.

e. Crystals like these are iron sulfide which is made by the reaction of iron and sulphur. Iron is, as you know, a silvery-black .......................... and sulphur is yellowish ..........................

f. When you .......................... this .......................... together there is a reaction and it forms iron sulfide.


2. Decide: true or false?

a. When the reaction of forming iron sulfide takes place in the underground it is usually black.

b. A different name for fool's gold is iron pyrite.

c. After putting a small amount of acid on real gold, you'll detect a nasty smell.


3. Answer the questions:

a. What are the differences between real and fool's gold in terms of:

  • chemical properties
  • colour
  • density

b. Does the professor believe that his parents bought that gold thinking it's real?

c. Why did the professor's parents bring that fool's gold as a gift for him?