FILM                         PRINT
1. Watch the film and complete the sentences:

a. Most ...................... exist in more than one form.

b. These different forms are called ...................... .

c. Deuterium has a proton and a neutron with an electron ...................... around.

d. About one atom in every seven thousand atoms of hydrogen is in this ......................... .

e. It's a very old ...................... of D2O.

f. Tritium is ...................... , so it's not used very widely, unless you are trying to make ............................

g. Heavy ice should ...................... in liquid water.

h. ......................... of D2O is different from that of ice.


2. Answer the questions:

a. What is the difference between a neutron and a proton?

b. When will you get pure deuterium oxide?

c. Why does ice float on top of drinks?

d. Why is it a problem to make D2O?