1. Read the sentences below and translate them into Polish.

a. At temperatures above absolute zero, all the atoms in molecules are in continuous vibration with respect to each other.

b. When the frequency of a specific vibration is equal to the frequency of the IR radiation directed on the molecule, the molecule absorbs the radiation.

c. Each atom has three degrees of freedom, corresponding to motions along any of the three Cartesian coordinate axes (x, y, z).

d. A polyatomic molecule of n atoms has 3n total degrees of freedom.

e. However, 3 degrees of freedom are required to describe translation, the motion of the entire molecule through space.

f. Additionally, 3 degrees of freedom correspond to rotation of the entire molecule.

g. Therefore, the remaining 3n - 6 degrees of freedom are fundamental vibrations for nonlinear molecules.

h. Linear molecules possess 3n - 5 fundamental vibrational modes because only 2 degrees of freedom are sufficient to describe rotation.


2. Read the sentences again and translate the Polish expressions in brackets into English. Student B will check your translation. Then listen to student B and check their translation.

a. At temperatures above absolute zero, all the atoms in molecules (są w ciągłym drganiu względem siebie).

b. When the frequency of a specific vibration is equal to the frequency of the IR radiation directed on the molecule, the molecule absorbs the radiation.

c. Each atom has three degrees of freedom, (odpowiadające ruchom wzdłuż) any of the three Cartesian (osi układu współrzędnych) (x, y, z).

d. A polyatomic molecule of n atoms has 3n total degrees of freedom.

e. However, 3 degrees of freedom are required to describe translation, (ruchu całej cząsteczki w przestrzeni).

f. Additionally, 3 degrees of freedom correspond to rotation of the entire molecule.

g. Therefore, the remaining 3n - 6 degrees of freedom are fundamental (drganiami dla nieliniowych cząsteczek).

h. Linear molecules possess 3n - 5 fundamental vibrational modes because only 2 degrees of freedom are sufficient to describe rotation.


2. Read the sentences again and translate the Polish expressions in brackets into English. Listen to student A and check their translation (in bold). Then student A will check your translation.

a. At temperatures above absolute zero, all the atoms in molecules are in continuous vibration with respect to each other.

b. When the (częstotliwość konkretnego drgania jest równa) to the frequency of the IR radiation directed on the molecule, the molecule absorbs the radiation.

c. Each atom has three degrees of freedom, corresponding to motions along any of the three Cartesian coordinate axes (x, y, z).

d. (Wieloatomowa cząsteczka) of n atoms has 3n total degrees of freedom.

e. However, 3 degrees of freedom are required to describe translation, the motion of the entire molecule through space.

f. Additionally, 3 degrees of freedom (odpowiadają rotacji całej cząsteczki).

g. Therefore, the remaining 3n - 6 degrees of freedom are fundamental vibrations for nonlinear molecules.

h. (Cząsteczki liniowe) possess 3n - 5 fundamental vibrational modes because only 2 degrees of freedom (są wystarczające do opisania obrotów).